Friday, March 19, 2010

Lent Parable 5: Jesus and the Five Thousand

Jesus withdrew privately by boat to a solitary place, but the crowds continued to follow him. Evening was now approaching and the people, many of whom had traveled a great distance, were growing hungry.

Seeing this, Jesus sent his disciples out to gather food, but all they could find were five loaves of bread and two fishes. Then Jesus asked that they go out again and gather up the provisions that the crowds had brought to sustain them in their travels. Once this was accomplished, a vast mountain of fish and bread stood before Jesus. Upon seeing this he directed the people to sit down on the grass.

Standing before the food and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks to god and broke the bread. then he passed the food among his twelve disciples. Jesus and his friends ate like kings in full view of the starving people. but what was truly amazing, what was miraculous about this meal, was that when they had finished the massive banquet there were not even enough crumbs left to fill a starving person's hand.

1 comment:

  1. This parable, probably more so or differently than the others, has the ability to take one aback. I post it not with the intent to offend, but rather to explore.

    I intend to post reflections on this parable next week (as the way that it strikes me is something I have been wrestling with for the last little while and I could probably do a whole series of blog posts on it - but I will refrain) So, until then let it sit with you. And we will discuss next week.
